Void Linux Setup

okayz, so i has a old laptop thats really slow so i decided to install void linux cuz its has the fast init system (jokeyz, i did intstall arch linux first but it was slowwwwww to boot up so yeag).

u can see the full images here : lemmy.blahaj.zone

images dithered w halftone :3

so my basic setups is void linux + wayland + qtile + ly [thoug this is bad - id switch it for tuigreetd if i was doing it now] + seatd + NO XWayland cuz it not worky for me ?? + iwd for wireless w NetworkManager for better ethernet supports mrow

it was a bit difficult to get qtile to work with seatd, as it needs XDG_RUNTIME_DIR set and created to work, which seatd does not do, so i installed pam_rundir and enabled it (another big learning is how much man pages r thebest ever - so follow man pam_rundir to enable it at login), and then edited wsetup.sh from ly (i think is in /etc/ly/ or something ?? mrow..) to set XDG_RUNTIME_DIR to /run/user/<UID> (using id -u to get the UID in sh) [ive made a pr to the void-docs repo in order to help other people, cuz as good as void-docs are, they just tell u to set up XDG_RUNTIME_DIR manually like what ?????] and then qtile will start :3
if qtile is still brokey, if u get a weird error about a socket is probly something to do with XDG_RUNTIME_DIR. make sure uve set the envvar !!!

i have a very light customisation of the default qtile config (oof ow wl_input_rules wasnt working <-- didnt find that its set to None at the end of the default config) w some custom keybinds, some scratchpads for bluetooth, passwords n stuff :3, and a nice purple highlight colors uwu

im using foot w 0.8 opacity (is faster than alacritty for me bc basically no graphics on this old laptop [core 2 duo int. gpu ftw!!!]) as my terminal, keepassxc as my password manager (the cli is okay, i wish there was a tui for it tbhh), bluetuith for bluetooth, iwctl for wireless, librewolf w tridactyl and the mauvewolf theme cuz keyboard shortcuts an pouple :333 and ncmpcpp + mpd / cmus for audios, mpv for viddys + pipe-veiwer an pipeline/tubefeeder for youtube stuff (not 100% on it tbhhhh) an thats about it :3.

am learning rust n stuff w ratatui for custom stuffs n using nvchad config for neovim cuz learning vim is a good idea XP

but otherwise am using a catppuccin mocha theme for everythings, though this configuration setup thingy is more lighter cuz the screen is moderately just okayz.

[this is the first webpage on this site written with nvim :3 !!]