Script outline
my script is laid out like this:- play_jingle method (jingle_name='') - plays a random or specific jingle
- check_timings method () - checks whether a jingle should be played
- play_media method (media_path) - plays a peice of media through libVLC from a path
- music_collections dictionary - full of collections of music
- collection dictionary - laid out with genres, which will be randomly selected between based on what they like
- genres dictionary - has a name, an array of music file or folder paths and an array of other genres that this genre likes
- play_collection method (music_collection) - runs through a music collection infinitely
- main method () - just starts play_collection()
useful snippets:
global vlc instanceimport vlc instance = vlc.Instance() player = instance.media_player_new()
play some media + output to a http stream
media = instance.media_new(media_path) media.add_option(":sout=#http{mux=ffmpeg{mux=mp3},dst=:8080/radio_1.ogg}") media.add_option("no-video") player.set_media(media) media.parse() time.sleep(media.get_duration() / 1000) player.stop()
what collections looks like
music_list = { 'daytime_collections': [ { 'name': 'genre1', 'music': [ '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/file.mp3' ], 'likes': ['genre2'] }, { 'name': 'genre2', 'music': [ '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/file.mp3' ], 'likes': ['genre1'] }, ], 'nighttime_collections': [ { 'name': 'genre1', 'music': [ '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/file.mp3' ], 'likes': ['genre2'] }, { 'name': 'genre2', 'music': [ '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/file.mp3' ], 'likes': ['genre1', 'genre3'] }, { 'name': 'genre3', 'music': [ '/path/to/music/folder/', '/path/to/music/file.mp3', '/path/to/music/file.mp3' ], 'likes': ['genre2', 'genre1'] }, ] }
play a collection
def play_collection(music_collection): collection = {} playlist_memory = [] # holds 30 items previous_collection_name = '' completed_n_playlists = 0 selected_collection_name = 'Rock' night_shift_done = False # for number in range(0, 50): while True: if 8 > > 18 and not night_shift_done: night_shift_done = True play_jingle('nighttime') # nighttime shift jingle collections = 'nighttime_collections' # nighttime mode else: play_jingle('daytime') # daytime shift jingle collections = 'daytime_collections' night_shift_done = False print('\nSelecting collection with name: ' + str(selected_collection_name) + '...') for i in music_collection[collections]: if i['name'] == selected_collection_name: collection = i if collection == {}: print('Selecting collection failed! Falling back to previous collection...') selected_collection_name = previous_collection_name continue previous_collection_name = selected_collection_name music = collection['music'].copy() for i in range(0, len(music)): if len(playlist_memory) >= 30: del playlist_memory[0] playlist = random.choice(music) music.remove(playlist) if playlist in playlist_memory: print('### Skipping Playlist ' + str(playlist)) continue else: playlist_memory.append(playlist) print('#### Loaded Playlist ' + str(playlist)) playlist_path = pathlib.Path(base_music_directory, playlist) if playlist_path.is_dir(): for music_file in sorted(playlist_path.rglob('*.*')): if music_file.suffix in ['.jpg', '.png', '.url', '.txt']: continue if 'flac' in str(music_file).lower().replace(music_file.suffix, ''): continue print('## Playing File: ' + str(music_file)) play_media(music_file) completed_n_playlists += 1 else: print('## Playing File: ' + str(playlist_path)) play_media(playlist_path) completed_n_playlists += 1 if random.randint(0, 3) == 0 or completed_n_playlists > 20: # 25% chance of moving to a different collection completed_n_playlists = 0 break selected_collection_name = random.choice(collection['likes']) collection = {}
end notes
you can use this code how ever you want (with credit please)i have no idea if this works / how it works with something like icecast
useful links: