my wishlist

this is a list of things i want to get or make


  • A small portable computer with a keyboard (smaller than a laptop but slightly larger than phone) so quick update i has a raspi 02w and a screen for it that was going free at makerspace, and a keyboard project am worky on so we might get there soon!!!
  • A CyberDeck - this is me making something, when i have the time
    see also:
  • A nokia 3310-esque phone / pager
  • a proper dedicated server machine with lots of data storage | i got a raspi that i nicked setup with 3.5tb of disk!!! is worky :3
  • a small handheld mp3 player WITHOUT a screen (just pure haptics + sound feedback bay bee) -- theyres some cheap ones on aliexpress if u know where to look !! theyre okay but not as good as my dead ipod shuffle (R.I.P. u-u)
  • Steam Deck - maybe, i don't really play games anymore would be cool to has as like a portable terminal tho!


  • a good-quality leather (or denim) jacket for my lots of badges :3 (or maybe a vest). UPDATE: I has a black cotton one and it is so many pins :3 and thats without my own custom badges or any patches yet!!
  • lots of small chains
  • leather bands/bracelets
  • chokers - i has a small velvet one X3
  • skirts, both short and long - i need a nice cotton one, the pastic on i has smells werid an not feel nice :/
  • cat ears (+ my ones, check the projects page 4 more info)
  • a good-quality bag w/ lots of pockets 4 my stuff UPDATE !! found one :3


  • some friends that i dont have to hide myself from [ irl is the hardest; partially completed tho mrow :3 ]
  • ummm mia in my house with me an umnnn **** ** ******* ****** :33 >////<


  • some sort of electric transport for short-range i think either skateboard or idk i want that one breifcase bike
  • financial independance
  • the rise of communism (in the anarchy way, not the fascist way)
  • a motorbike (electric-type)